Guest blog – Dr Fiona McMaster, on the psychological benefits of writing
In the stack of 10 or so letters you’ve just picked up by your front door, there’s one that stands out from all the rest. It’s not the bill, the takeaway menu (well ok maybe later that will come back into play), or the latest broadband deal. It’s the one in the beautifully textured envelope with your name on it that’s been carefully written by hand. When it comes to handwritten communication, psychologically we are drawn to the tactile & tangible element of it, our brains are attuned to notice things that are different. Hence why you’ll always bypass the generically...
National Afternoon Tea Week
Ok so I might’ve thought it started next week on the 15th August, discovered yesterday morning that it started on Monday. So that was good. Cue frantic photography. Yesterday was spent in the blazing heat finding the prettiest flowers in the garden to add to the image above (and before we receive emails saying how if you try to make tea out of any of the flowers used you’ll poison yourself they were purely for prop purposes only, promise!) Naturally we are going to put a few photos of our Afternoon Tea Collection on here, but what I think you...
Doing a pop-up shop at John Lewis Cambridge
We recently had the exciting opportunity to do a pop-up shop at the Cambridge branch of John Lewis on their ground floor via a business called the Great British Exchange; who work alongside big retail brands to place small businesses into stores for a week. You apply online and basically submit a few images of your items along with product descriptions and prices and tell them all about your brand. You then get feedback within a week as to whether or not you’ve been approved by the John Lewis buying team to display your lines in store or not. Then...
Creating a calm space
My favourite lessons at school were always art & P.E. and well, that was it. Yes there were elements within other classes I didn’t mind but the classes I always looked forward to were just those 2. Four out of five days a week I would do additional sports afterwards, from athletics to netball & trampolining. The latter was the one that completely ruined my back for life when I decided half-way through a front drop that I wasn’t going to land right so I threw my arms out to stop myself and if you know your yoga moves I...